Thursday, October 30, 2008

If I love you, what business is it of yours?
-- Johann van Goethe

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I laughed at the message Tracy just sent our little group of galpals about Sunday plans:

"Hey Ladies! Mia came to work and scared the crap out of me yesterday, lol. So we realized that we are due for some Indian food."

Clearly I've got mad ninja skills.

Tracy's the best because for the past almost 10 years now, instead of being confused by my shenanigans, she's been amused by them. I only realized it'll be a decade of knowing each other as I wrote that. I should, like, buy her a star in the sky or something.

Monday, October 27, 2008

When someone else believes in me part 2

I should just make a journal of compliments I receive. Maybe it's vanity, but just feels like love to me.

Mia: Alas when it comes to music, I'm not instinctively good, lol... oh well, c'est la vie

temeriti: Sure you are. :)
You're Mia.
You're annoyingly good at everything.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Someone who believed in me when I didn't.

Mia: This isn't gonna end well...

Adrienne: How do you know you're going to lose before you start playing?
Kind of giving up before trying

Mia: I'm down by quite a few points, darling.

Adrienne: I don't know the score, but I'd bet my money on you.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Vore Diem, baby!

I took the Wen out to brunch for her birthday, which was awesome because Wendy is awesome and one of the absolute smartest people I know.

Only minutes after getting home I got Jess asking me to go to dinner, something I'd promised to do a while back but hadn't gotten around to scheduling.

Jessica says:'re just being uncooperative
Mia says:
I've been told I am that.
Jessica says:
when a pretty girl offers to buy you dinner shouldnt fight so damned much

Looks like I'm not getting anything done today. Marketing can suck it. And this band that Marc Dude introduced me to, '3', is absolutely fan-fucking-tastic on many levels, just like My Brother From Another Mother.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I'm trying to knock out the sun

What a fucking night.

I left band practice and ran to minimize my lateness as I met Berrt by the Chinatown gates. Without a plan other than to grab a bite, in order to satisfy my longstanding curiosity, we ended up going to the buffet that's located in the middle of the main road. It reminded me of the Chinese buffet my childhood friend Louka and I would go to as kids, no doubt annoying the hell out of the other patrons as we 'stealthed' around playing our spy games. Even the jello tasted the same, pure gelatinous sugar with a thick crust top.

When no more food would go in, I let Berrt know he'd have to take me out for a walk now. I nudged him in a particular direction for about fifteen minutes before he asked, "Where are we going?"
"To the Jacques-Cartier bridge. I've never actually walked on it." He acquiesed in that way that Berrt often does, and we made our way along de La Gauchetière and then up to the bridge's path, the scenery around de Lorimier reminding me of a time three years before when I passed by the area daily to go home to my apartment in the Plateau.

I was taken by surprise, the bridge was shaking under our feet at the passing of cars and trucks, giving the impression that the whole structure would collapse in the event of a big enough rumble. The view was beautiful, the whole glittering city, and we made it above the river. It was getting cold, freezing point, and I was under-dressed for the occasion, feeling this would come back to bite me later on.

We walked for 2 hours and eventually made it back to my car, I drove Berrt to Andrei's and went home. I put on an episode of True Blood and fell asleep around 3am, only to wake up at 7am, unable to fall back asleep, I was coughing and clogged, a cold was definitely upon me. I tossed and turned for an hour, then came online to talk to Ted, whom I knew would be around to sympathize. Around 9am I went back to bed and finally fell into a good sleep, but a sleep full of vivid, fucked up dreams. I dreamt I was sliding down a long peer on a boogieboard, only to find a 300 foot tall wave at the end, coming my way. I dreamt of being in a strange restaurant, serving stranger food. I dreamt that my parents and I were driving along a cliffside and went over the railing, plunging to our 1000 foot doom into the ocean.

I woke up, much later than I would have liked, but still feeling tired. The only good thing was I wasn't coughing anymore. My immune system had probably spent those hours fighting whatever was in me earlier.

Now, shit, I just feel like playing World of Warcraft and listening to Buck 65. I'm doing the latter but I gotta finish my programming assignment, put a nice shine on it so that I get an A. No plans for tonight so I might as well get as much done as I can, since I'm seeing Wendy tomorrow afternoon and Iza in the evening.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

When you're Gone

I'm such a sentimental sap, I left this message from Nick open for the past 48 hours just to occasionally look at it:

Nine months have gone by since he left for the other end of the world, and I think of him often. Today, Shivaree's 'Goodnight Moon' comes on my playlist, the jazzy bass riff and the line 'And I always sleep with my guns when you're gone' make me think of him.

It's 2pm already and I have to pack my bags to head to my cottage. I like my parents' friends, so I'm going to go hang out with them for the weekend(well, with my parents too).

You know what? I'm in a Kill Bill kinda mood today.

Whatever that means ;)

Friday, October 10, 2008

"Wonder how can I go on and on
When you want to bury my passion"

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Nobody understands the travails of my existence!

David says:
Lol. You're so funny
David says:
"I'm sick of everything... Fuck the world... Except this totally awesome bass riff I wrote"

Monday, October 6, 2008

Studying Memory

Memories are designed to disappear if you don't repeat them, that's why studying involves repetition, learning a song involves repetition, but it's also applicable to anything else you want to remember. For example, the reason I remember so vividly the time I went to Jon's house five years ago on a cool early fall day and we stood around his front door patio talking about Zen and books is because I replayed the memory in my mind several times since.

I've been doing it unwittingly for years, replaying scenarios of my day in my head. Now I'm wondering how I can harvest this technique and maximize my memory. My problem is it's slightly less appealing to actively think of something you're not all that interested in, i.e. Marketing.

Time to read the chapter on 'Business Markets and Business Buyer Behaviour' and then go on a bike ride around Ile-Bizard while thinking of the chapter's key concepts.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Recent Mia Health Statistics

Blood Pressure: 106/71 (Pop. Average: 120/80)
Iron count: 14 (Women Average: 12)
Body fat: 20% (Women Average: 29%)

So my blood pressure has gone up, getting more normal. My iron count was finally not only not 'too low' (as I'd been told previously) but actually above average for a woman. And my body fat went down 1% in the last couple of months, I actually now rank as an 'Athlete' rather than 'Fit' thanks to that.

I need to write this down somewhere where I'll have access to it, so it might as well be here. I asked Alan what he eats in a day. Because Alan, as far as fitness is concerned (and I suppose in other ways) is my hero!

"morning I have oatmeal, natural peanut butter and olive oil, plus a protein shake. throughout the day I pretty much eat peanut butter (natural + with omega 3s) out of a jar. I'll probably have a turkey sandwich at some point (it's my indulgence). pre-workout I have protein, post work-out protein + gatorade. a few protein shakes spread throughout the day. a few fruits (usually apples) if I have any. at night I steam a bunch of veggies and eat with olive oil. at some point I'll have 3 eggs and some kind of animal. for a treat I'll have bread dipped in olive oil and / or a piece of chocolate"

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm Your 21st Century Cure

I eat healthy, and I exercise a ton. By my calculations, I've got liquid gold running through my veins.

It has been a while since I confronted my fear of needles, since I've last given some of my blood to those in need of it, so I'm going to go downtown earlier today and do just that. I even found my Hema-Quebec card.

I hurt my neck while tossing (or should I say whipping around) in my sleep, it's sore as fuck today.

All these grey days are making me melancholic, as I've spent an increasing amount of time sitting at my desk, preparing to ace my Analysis of Markets midterm next week.

And I don't mind it one bit.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Now I'm stuck, how I feel, I don't know if it's real"

Every season, or even part of a season, is closely tied to memories in my mind. How I feel is like clothing I wear to match the weather.

There is no recreating moments that are long gone. All I do have are the memories, which, knowing me, I've transformed and romanticized far beyond their original format.

Me, Olivia and Dan. Every night, that was the trio. And then I'd recruit Kierin and we were fucking unstoppable. It was exhilarating, Kierin always kept me on my toes, and we played off of each other, like a precisely calibrated machine.

Feels like I was a different person, in a different place, at a different time.

To be continued, maybe. I have a lunch date to get ready for, my favorite mining engineer is in town for his bimonthly visit.