Monday, August 31, 2015

Summer's End

I feel I haven't had the time to really reflect on the days that have passed, I'm always looking ahead.

Since I'm out of my element when I go camping, a couple of days feels like a lot longer. This year's trip felt different than last year's. Honestly, I think I enjoyed last year more. Maybe because I attended earlier, people were more excited and energetic. People this year had been there for most of the week and by the time I joined, they were kind of lethargic. Still, I did my own thing, got some writing done on top of the whole being in nature thing.

I've been infected with a virus these last few days, coughing up a lung and all. Forced myself to be social for two days but today I finally gave in the staying in and worked.

As per usual, I didn't get as far as I would've liked. I need another 100 days likes this one. But I won't get 'em. It's nothing but work from here until Christmas, so I'll have to make due.

I'm itching to go, it's time to shadowrun in Hong Kong...

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