Wednesday, August 26, 2015


The day's events have muddled my memory a bit but I've been hoping to start writing down some of my dreams since they've been so unpleasant lately.

I remember the feeling of "heading back" with a group in my dream last night. As though I was with some friends or new acquaintances and we were all walking together back to someone's home. That main someone, I think, was an older woman. When we arrived there, something dawned on me. These people are child molesters. The older woman is talking over a deal with that man to let him have some "time" with the young girl inside the house.

I remember feeling digusted and powerless. I remember saying something to the effect of, "I can't be here while this is happening," - as though there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop them - and then walking away.

I remember "later" came around and the same young girl walked over to me and hugged me. She somehow knew I was the only one on her side.

I woke up feeling shaken. I don't think I've ever had a dream on such a disturbing topic before. Usually the nightmares are the usual: dreams of betrayal, death of a loved one, zombies. I have been reading some pretty disturbing articles though - stuff about the deep web and how it's a haven for child molesters. Or another one about how sex slavery is alive and well in modern America.

Plus I've been playing copious amounts of Shadowrun games (Dragonfall and now Hong Kong) and the dark settings might be creeping into my subconscious.

As for just thinking of dreams, well, they were a topic recently on Test Tube Plus - maybe I will make an effort to log them.

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