Thursday, February 16, 2012

You Will Become Clever Through Your Mistakes (German proverb)

*Work ↑
*Training ↑
*Diet -
*Creativity ↓↓
*Gaming ↓

Maintaining motivation on many fronts is exhausting, especially if that front needs to be 100% of the time not to fail (I'm looking at you, slippery slope of nutrition! I let my guard down once last night and fucked my otherwise fabulous week).

I've been utilizing a lot of visualization tricks lately to keep me in the zone. It doesn't usually encompass all areas, some things are easier to imagine yourself being an unstoppable force at, but it helps anyway. I've been reading about the powers of mind over matter and think it could do me some good to be more positive.


A note on "The Productive Zone"

I'm reading an excerpt of The Talent Code as I try to determine whether this would be a good, applicable read for me. So far it's about how talented people tap into a neurological mechanism in which certain patterns of targeted practice build skill. Without realizing it they enter a zone of accelerated learning that can be accessed by those who know how. That's the talent code. I feel like I've touched on that in the past while studying but in the book they're talking more about things that require motor skills. I'm sure it's a decent read but I don't think it's quite what I'm looking for, as I don't have a serious skill with a goal that requires a lot of practice (sure I'd like to be a better guitar player, but it's not up there on the list of priorities). What my goals require is a lot of learning.

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