Saturday, October 3, 2015


I keep having these thoughts about what I should write down in a blog, usually in terms of where I was then in comparison to where I am now, but it's never at an opportune moment.

In August in realized it had been 2 years since I started writing my story, a novel at the time, now the basis for a game - because I certainly know how to take the impossible up a notch!

In July I realized it had been 10 years since I started playing WoW, which sounds stupid to the layman of gaming, but really affected my life for a couple of years. Additionally, that was the approximate time of my first big relationship's end. But I think about WoW more than I think about that relationship, so... ok, let's not over-analyze this.

Now it's my 2 year anniversary of going to visit Paris for a couple of weeks to see my sister. Lots of time spent alone (she was working) seeing beautiful places which ignited the imagination. I was also trying to tackle a second novel, a second story, which a couple months later I realized was just meandering. Still, in the back of my head, I'm always reworking that story. I miss Paris a ton, though. 

When I think of my fitness goals, I like to think my body composition has improved a lot over the last 2+ years of following my trainer friend's advice. My number on the scale might've been lower last year - it came up this year when I bulked for several months - but I think I might be just as lean but with additional muscle.

Which is good cause I want them shoulders:

I don't do cross-fit but... Camille gives a good goal.

Being 32, going on 33, it's funny. When I was 27 and in a band, I was telling myself, "I'm getting too old for this scene!" - now I'm 33 and I'm like "Crap! My time is running out to start doing music again before I'm too old - like... 40!"

But the real reason I quit the band was more complex than that, anyway. As is the real reason I'm not currently in a band or seeking a band.


Col said...

Wow,what a whirl wind you' much wishes

Col said...

Wow, what a whirl wind you much creativity. best wishes