Friday, November 22, 2013

My life is challenging me right now.

My friend gives me feedback...

"I may be wrong, but what I feel about you is that you're a very intellectual like new experiences and knowledge and problems, but you're also comfortable in the place you are. You like your friends, family, and relationship pretty stable while you dabble with what you want to, and let troubles mostly slide off you after they're dealt with. The biggest problem in a relationship for you is probably when you don't get laid regularly enough."

True. Well, except the laid thing. That's been good recently.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

It really appears that I say things I don't mean, it's really not the case.
People misunderstand what I mean, with what I say.
There's only so much I can do.

Poetic night

It's easy to take for granted
Thinking things are solid stone
So you forget to feed it
Until all that's left are bones


You're the snake in the grass
Now I'm dying by your poison 
Who knows what'll come to pass

And if I drain
I'll just refrain
From all this talk in vain


This one is by my friend. I don't think he even knows I still go to his old livejournal sometimes, I love it so much.

Last Arabesque

I remember the last time we danced, 
How you were clumsy and misleading, 
Your ungraceful steps were crippling.

Once you were beautiful
Once you were amazing, 

I watched you, as I broke

You did your last Arabesque
That I would ever see,

You'll never be lonely
Though I left your clumsy body behind,
You'll never be lonely

Because they've all come, 
In legions, to dance with you, 

They don't care to know anything, 
They just came to dance,
Won't you show them your Arabesque?