Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Heavenly Muse and Horoscope for your Week!

We chose to walk instead of drive in today's -40 degree weather and we were kind of giddy about it all as sometimes happens when you realize you're doing something hard for the sake of doing something hard. There's a fire in our hearts! Even asking for a ride from Dana in the end felt more like... pushing boundaries of a different kind. She's something, that girl.

I think I've pretty much accomplished as much as I will in Tyria. I've had the urge to move on all week, so I've barely been present. Some of it was short but intense and I can draw from that inspiration and emotion now. You know, once I stop faffing about and get back to that whole music-making/writing thing.


Your dreams of pimping will go down in flames when your chunky peanut butter is discovered, revealing that not everything about you is smooth.

You will discover that sometimes it’s actually not the humidity, but the heat that’s the problem. This epiphany will make getting locked in an oven slightly more bearable.

Your romantic life will continue to evolve, as you come up with yet another clever line that would be useful to someone who isn't too afraid to talk to other people.

Your lover is right. You’ll never be able to shoot her. You still have feelings for her, you never took shooting lessons, and you’re holding a carrot.

Before making demands of your employer, keep in mind that any number of monkeys would jump for a chance to do your job. So shut up and masturbate that chimp.

A brush with death will teach you more about God than you possibly could have imagined. It turns out that She likes long walks on the beach, reading, and hanging out.

You will discover religion and find your true place in life, a place that will lead you to a help wanted ad for a jizz-mopper at Sluts-R-Us.

All your dreams will come true, leaving only the cold embrace of death to look forward to.

An encounter with a puppy will inspire you to become vegan. The puppy and its animal breatheren still hate you, though.

You will bump into Russel Crowe, who will be so impressed that he will give up his fame, money, charisma and dignity, and become just like you.

The fact that you enjoy painting sad clowns does not make you psychotic. The fact that you do so on the freeway does.

Remember: drugs are not the answer, unless the question happens to be “How can I be cooler and more interesting? 

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