Friday, August 29, 2008


I'm three quarters through my two week vacation, my first vacation in a year, and feeling great!

I have my trip to Toronto to thank for how I feel. I didn't anticipate it would have this effect on me, considering Toronto isn't exactly an exotic location, but being ripped away from my routine was just what I needed.

There was the 'Living and Breathing as a Unit Effect'. I'm not anti-social by far, but since my last relationship I haven't really spent more than 36 hours with any one person. Compared to some people I know who constantly surround themselves with friends, I appreciate some solitude. I thought I'd be annoyed to have to sleep when my friends slept, eat when they ate, go where they went, but I actually enjoyed it! I was truly sharing the entire experience with them. When I returned home, I missed having them around.

The highlight of the Convention was definitely attending the Q&A panels for some of my favourite actors. Kate Mulgrew was the first, a consumate professional, charismatic, entertaining, not unlike the character she portrayed, and I could have listened to her speak for hours about anything and everything.

Edward James Olmos was joined by Aaron Douglas, who was just standing by the door before the panel, seemingly unnoticed, except by me, giving me the opportunity to smile at him and say 'hi' as we passed by (he seemed caught unaware, and said hi back).

Before Olmos (or 'EJO' as Kevin kept calling him) had his panel, he had spent the weekend on the floor doing signings, and my eyes were automatically drawn to him whenever we passed by. It was difficult not to be in awe of him, of the presence he had. It felt rather like I had a crush. I just wanted to go up to him and talk to him. But then, isn't that the thing about actors? We feel as though we know them, when we don't, and they don't know us.

The panel with those two guys was great. They were laid back, friendly, and genuinely happy to be there. Olmos did most of the talking and Aaron would butt in at the right times to say something ridiculously funny. After the hour was up, they tried to argue 'But we're just getting started!'

I'm not one to usually give a shit about celebrities, but it was rather inspirational to meet these people and hear them speak about their projects. It made me think of what I'm doing and how I'd love to reach a hundredth of the amount of success they have.

I've run out of time to blog for today. After all, I can't spend all my time thinking and writing about what to do. I've got to actually do it!

On that note, I'm off for a jog, and then a haircut.